Baru punya……………………….. ::T e r a t a k K h a i r:: ::T e r a t a k<<>>K h a i r::: February 2005
Friday, February 25, 2005

Lagu lama yang boleh dijadikan zikir panduan hidup...

Menangung DERITA menongkah FITNAH
Itulah gelombang hidup samudera duka
Seorang MUJAHID memburu SYAHID

Dibuang dia berkelana
Dipenjara dia uzlah
Dibunuh syahid
Namun jiwa TETAP mara menuju cita
Membara DEMI ALLAH dan RASULnya

Berjuang TAK pernah SENANG
Ombak derita tiada henti
TENANG TEGANG silih berganti

Malamnya bagai rahib merintih sayu
Dihiris dosa airmata
Siangnya bagaikan singa dirimba
Memerah keringat meluah tenaga

Berjuang memang PAHIT
kerana SYURGA itu MANIS
bukan sedikit mahar yang perlu dibayar
bukan sedikit pedih yang ditagih

Berjuang ertinya TERKORBAN
Rela terHINA kerana KEBENARAN
Antara dua pasti terjadi
Tunggulah SYAHID atau MENANG

Sunnah Berjuang:Nadamurni

alone at 8:52 AM

Friday, February 11, 2005

Salamun khair....
Day after day, Night after night
In my endless dream, I can hear the voice
It's like a chant echoers, telling me the fate I must confront
There is a mighty warrior who is about to cross this world.
For his ummah, for the faith and for the himmah, his passage will be long and rough
Trace the wind Iman and follow the path of life, always remembers the only One
I'll be there in my final destination. To get my reward and punishment.
No one can touch this heart
Even the clouds blocks our sun, and even the rain falls down to our lands
Day after day, night after night
I pray for your safety and for my wishes
The encounter leads to the new beginning,
The will ending story has just begun...

alone at 12:43 PM


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Pictures from: deviantART
Specially made for: benS